December 16, 2012

Black XS: The Excessive Sessions: Part II.

Lo prometido es deuda, tarde porque estuve un poco ocupada con algunas cosas del trabajo y algun que otro evento, pero aca les traigo la segunda parte de The Excessive Sessions: Part II: Ellie Goulding.

Esta vez el mini recital se hizo en la mansión Carmen, en el corazón del distrito del famoso Mouling Rouge, en París, el 14 de Noviembre.

Unos pocos fueron los afortunados que pudieron asistir a  este mini recital, donde Ellie Gouding canto tres canciones: Lights, Anything could happen and Some nights, más la entrevista que le hizo la marca para crear el official movie para hacer la promoción del nuevo eslogan de la marca que esta vez es: Be A Rockstar.

Aquí debajo les dejo las tres canciones y la entrevista:

I was a little busy with some work stuff and some social events, but better late than ever, here´s the second part of The Excessive Sessions: Part II: Ellie Goulding.

This time the scene takes place at Carmen mansion, at the heart of the famous Moulin Rouge district, in Paris on November 14th.

A few had the fortune to were able to see this intimate show, where Elli Goulding sang three songs: Lights, anything could happen and Some nights, plus the interview for the official movie that the brand will use to promote the new slogan of the perfume, which is Be A Rockstar.

Below are the three songs and the special movie:

Ellie Goulding | Official Movie for the "Black XS - Excessive Session #2"

Ellie Goulding | Lights for the "Black XS - Excessive Session # 2" - Track #1

Ellie Goulding | Anything Could Happen for the "Black XS - Excessive Session # 2" - Track #2

Ellie Goulding | Some Nights for the "Black XS - Excessive Session # 2" - Track # 3


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